Monthly Archive:: July 2018
Carmela Full of Wishes — First Three Reviews (All Stars!)
On July 30, 2018 In Uncategorized
Carmela got her first two reviews, and they’re both STARS! One from PW and one from Kirkus. Christian and I feel so fortunate. Can’t wait to share this book with young people everywhere! Here are the reviews: Carmela Full of Wishes — PW Matt de la Peña, illus. by Christian Robinson. It’s Carmela’s birthday,
Brain Pickings on LOVE and So Much More
On July 10, 2018 In Uncategorized
This weekend I read a post about Love that knocked me out. It was on a taste-maker site called Brain Pickings (you can read the post here), the brainchild of Maria Popova. She is wonderfully insightful about LOVE, but I went on to read so many other posts, and I’m blown away, and at