Kirkus Interview + Why I Wrote an Action-Driven Disaster Novel (via Nerdy Book Club) + NCTE Schedule + It’s Still Football Season

The Living is out in the world now, and I’m truly humbled by all the folks who have agreed to help spread the word.

Here’s an interview I did with Kirkus, written by Jessie Grearson (an excellent writer out of the Iowa Writers Workshop).

I was also lucky enough to do a guest post for the great people at Nerdy Book Club (I’ve been following their terrific site ever since I met some of the founders at a conference). In the post I talk about why I wrote a disaster novel after writing four quieter, literary novels.

And here’s my schedule for NCTE (in Boston):

November 22: 12:45pm – 1:45pm (Hynes Convention Center, rm 301) . . . Program: (Re)Inventing the Literary Lens: Using Multicultural Literature to Create Literary Experiences for All Students

November 23: 8:00am – 9:15am (Hynes Convention Center, rm 207) . . . Program: Grit Lit: 3 Noted Authors Talk about Engaging Readers and Tackling Edgy Materials in Their Books (with Matthew Quick and Alan Sitomer)

And last but not least, a football is occasionally involved in my school presentations, as evidenced by the following shots taken at a middle school in Seattle (note: these two librarians are entirely responsible) . . .

Footbal Speech

